Betnesol-N drops side effects, uses, warnings and use in pregnancy
Betnesol-N drops


Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops is a medicine that contains Betamethasone and neomycin. 

It is utilized to treat the following conditions: redness, itching, swelling and irritation of eyes or ears that occur due to bacterial infections. It acts by inhibiting the bacteria that produce infection and gives instant relief from the symptoms. 

Side effects of Betnesol-N drops

Major & minor possible side effects of Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops include:

Eye pain and discomfort


Blurred vision

Ringing or buzzing in the ears

Drooping eyelid

Burning sensation at the application site

Ear pain

Redness of the eye


Uses of Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops

Betnesol-N drops are used for the treatment of following conditions:

Bacterial eye infections

Bacterial eye infection can occur due to poor hygiene or contact with individuals who are infected with bacteria. Thus, it causes a thick, sticky discharge from individual eyes. Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops are utilized to cure swelling, burning, and irritation of the eye caused due to bacterial infections, exposure to chemicals, and allergies etc.

Bacterial ear Infections

A bacterial ear infection may produce pain and a full feeling in your ear and some fluid secretions from the affected ear. Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops are utilized to treat symptoms of ear infection.


Warnings for special population


Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops use in pregnancy is normally not suggested as there is no safety data available about it. There is some chance of ear damage in the developing foetus. Hence, ask your prescriber before taking this medicine.


Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops use in breast feeding is not suggested is normally not suggested as there is not safety data available of using it. Hence, ask your prescriber before using this drop.

General warnings

Contact lenses

Contact lenses use is not advised if any signs and symptoms of bacterial eye infection occur  such as redness, irritation, and drainage of the eye etc., are present. Avoid using contact lenses while you are using Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops. Wearing contact lenses after using this drop in your eyes may produce irritation and redness.

Driving or operating machines

You may observe impaired vision or sleepiness after using Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops. If you observe any of these symptoms while using this drop, do not perform activities that require high mental attention or concentration, such as operating machines or driving vehicles.

Viral eye infections

Betnesol-N Eye/Ear Drops are not suggested for use in the treatment of infections caused by viruses including

Epithelial herpes simplex keratitis
