Flagyl 400mg tablet usesand side effects
Flagyl 400mg tablets

Drug Description 
What is Flagyl and how is it used? 

Flagyl is a prescription drug that is used to cure the symptoms of bacterial infections of the vagina, liver, stomach, skin, joints, respiratory tract and brain. Flagyl may be taken alone or with other medication. 

What are the possible side effects of Flagyl? 

Flagyl may produce serious side effects include: 


pain or difficulty in urination 

trouble sleeping 







blisters or ulcers in mouth, 

Flagyl side effects
Blisters in mouth

trouble in swallowing

 Tell your prescriber if you experience any serious side effects of Flagyl, that includes: numbness


burning pain in hands or feet

vision problems pain behind eyes

seeing flashes or light 

muscle weakness

coordination difficulty

trouble in speaking 



stiffness in neck

increased sensitivity to light 

This not includes all the possible side effects of Flagyl. For detailed information, ask your physician or pharmacist. 


Symptomatic Trichomoniasis. 

FLAGYL is used for the treatment of T. vaginalis infection in females and males when it is confirmed that trichomonas has been present by using appropriate laboratory techniques (wet smears and/or cultures). 

Asymptomatic Trichomoniasis. FLAGYL is indicated in the cure of asymptomatic T. vaginalis infection in females when the organism is linked with endocervicitis, cervicitis, or cervical erosion. Since it is known that the presence of the trichomonad can interfere with appropriate assessment of abnormal cytological smears, more smears should be performed after termination of the parasite.

Treatment of Asymptomatic Sexual Partners. 

T. vaginalis infection is known as a venereal disease. Therefore, asymptomatic sexual partners of patients who are treated should also be treated simultaneously if the organism is seen to be present, in order to protect themselves from reinfection of the partner.


FLAGYL may also be indicated in the treatment of acute intestinal amebiasis (amebic dysentery) and treat amebic liver abscess. In amebic liver abscess, FLAGYL treatment does not anticipate the need for aspiration or drainage of pus.

Anaerobic Bacterial Infections. 

FLAGYL is indicated in the treatment of severe infections caused due to susceptible anaerobic bacteria. Indicated surgical treatment should be performed in combination with FLAGYL therapy. In a combination of aerobic and anaerobic infection, antimicrobials are accurate for the treatment of the aerobic infection should also be given in addition to FLAGYL.


 includes peritonitis, intra-abdominal abscess, and liver abscess,which is caused by Bacteroides species that includes the B. fragilis group (B. ovatus, B. thetaiotaomicron, and B. vulgatus),, Peptococcus species, Clostridium species and Peptostreptococcus species. 

SKIN AND SKIN STRUCTURE INFECTIONS are caused due to Bacteroides species, including the B. fragilis group, Peptococcus species, Clostridium species, Peptostreptococcus species, and Fusobacterium species. 

GYNECOLOGIC INFECTIONS includes endometritis, endomyometritis, tubo-ovarian abscess, and postsurgical vaginal cuff infection, caused by Bacteroides species. 

BACTERIAL SEPTICEMIA is caused due to Bacteroides species, including the B. Clostridium species and fragilis group. 

BONE AND JOINT INFECTIONS, (as adjunctive therapy), caused because of Bacteroides species, includes the B. fragilis group. 

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (CNS) INFECTIONS, includes meningitis and brain abscess, caused due to Bacteroides species including the B. fragilis group. 

LOWER RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS, including pneumonia, emphysema, and lung abscess, are caused due to Bacteroides species, which includes the B. fragilis group. 

ENDOCARDITIS is caused by Bacteroides species, including the B. fragilis group. To reduce the progress of drug-resistant bacteria and retain the effectiveness of FLAGYL and other antibiotic drugs, FLAGYL should be given only to cure or prevent infections that are proved or strongly known to be caused by susceptible bacteria. 

What is Metronidazole (Flagyl) used for? 

Amebiasis Balantidium coli 

Bacterial Vaginosis

Dientamoeba fragilis 

Helicobacter pylori Infection 

Giardiasis Intraabdominal Infection

Nongonococcal Urethritis 

Joint Infection


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease



Skin or Soft Tissue Infection 

Side effect of flagyl
Skin infection

Peritonitis Trichomoniasis

Skin and Structure Infection

Bacterial Infection

Surgical Prophylaxis 

STD Prophylaxis 

Liver Abscess 

Wound Infection

Flagyl available forms




Flagyl available forms and uses of flagyl suspension and injection
Flagyl available forms


Can I consume Metronidazole (Flagyl) if want to be pregnant or breastfeeding? 

It may affect your unborn baby's health. Stop use of metronidazole to cure trichomoniasis in the first trimester of pregnancy. You can not breastfeed your baby within 24 hours after using metronidazole. If you are using a breast pump during this period, throw out the milk you pumped and avoid feeding it to your baby.